2021 may have been a tough year for many industries, but e-commerce was definitely not one of them. If anything, last year was incredibly productive for online retail companies, which experienced an unprecedented boom in demand. This was especially evident during Christmas 2021, when nearly half of all non-food-related purchases were made online.

It goes without saying that this is good news for the industrial and logistics sector, and in particular for warehouse businesses, since this type of commercial space is under record-high demand. But booming business also means that if you’re a warehouse owner, you may be struggling to make the most of your space.

Optimising your space can be costly, precisely because the cost of warehouse space is increasing due to high demand. Acquiring more space could easily eat into any profits you’re making, so the question is “is there any way of optimising space without spending a fortune?”

Fortunately, the answer is yes. In fact, there’s more than one way of doing so.

1) Stackable Storage Solutions

When space becomes limited horizontally, you may want to consider expanding vertically. You only need to walk around your warehouse and look up to see how much unused space there is. Some options to consider include adding mezzanines, pallet stacks, or cantilever racks.

Of course, vertical storage must be added safely, so using quality equipment is crucial here. At Steps & Stillages we specialise in manufacturing and supplying sturdy storage solutions to UK warehouses. This includes vertical solutions that lend themselves well to stackable storage. Our products include roll pallets and roll cages, ladders and mobile steps, and forklift access cages.

2) Reconfigure Aisle Layouts

You can also evaluate the current width of the warehouse aisles and see if they can be reconfigured to be narrower. In some warehouses, you can make do with aisles 5-feet wide, which could significantly increase the space available. However, you don’t want to end up with aisles so narrow that you need wire guidance, as the additional expense involved may not be worth it.

3) Look For “Empty” Areas

In the average warehouse, there are a few common empty or under-utilised areas. One of the most common is the space above shipping and receiving doors, which could be fitted to store non-processed items or slow-moving products.

4) Go For High Density Storage

Switching from single rack to double rack storage could increase your available space by up to 40%. This arrangement can work very well if you handle cold or dry storage with no expiry date, or if you handle products under a Last In, First Out system.

Next Steps

There’s no single storage option that fits all warehouses. At Steps & Stillages we’re known for providing customised storage solutions for the logistics and distribution industry. Contact our team on 01536 417440 to discuss your needs and get personalised advice.

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